Building Business
is Our Mission



The currency of real networking is not greed, but generosity.


We are a referral-based Redding business networking and leads group that looks out and refers business to each other.  Shasta Business Builders was established in 2008 to give local businesses an opportunity to network and become a single marketing force.  We have a wide variety of businesses and services represented in the group.  SBB is a proud member of the Redding Chamber of Commerce and many of our members are involved in various other service organizations in the Redding area. 

If you are looking for an organization to help your business, this is the one.

Why you should join a local networking group


When you are a member it is like adding 25-30 salespeople to your company.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue are generated
from the referrals and leads shared by our members.

Income Received


Referrals Passed


Current Members


Business Growth

In today's fast-paced business environment, standing still is not an option. Your competitors are constantly innovating and expanding their reach, and to stay competitive, you need to be growing your business as well. Business growth allows you to stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant in your industry.

Knowledge expansion

You may well learn a lot from running your business but you’ll learn a whole lot more by being part of a networking group. Access to a shared knowledge base through contact with like-minded individuals is one of the more powerful ways to increase your business knowhow and improve your chance of success.

Collaborative working

Networking is all about building valuable relationships and you may well find yourself working with a number of businesses you come across in a group. That doesn’t just mean providing your service to them but also developing new and interesting ways of doing business that could involve new products and the sharing of services.

Peer interaction

It can sometimes seem a lonely business running a company and mixing with others who are on the same wavelength offers much needed support and encouragement. You’ll always be able to find someone who has gone through the same thing as you and who will be able to offer a fresh viewpoint and some excellent advice.

Business Development

The big reason for joining a networking group is to develop your business and find new ways of connecting. It is invaluable for finding out what is happening within your industry and providing new ideas for the future expansion of your core business.

Market research

Being part of a networking group gives you a great chance to bounce ideas off your friends and associates. It means you can explore great new ventures and get informed, genuine feedback that helps you make the right business decisions.

Building Business is Our Mission

We cultivate mutually beneficial business relationships with a goal toward prospering your business and enhancing your life. SBB leverages your customer connections by linking you with other business’ networks whose SBB purpose is to refer you. Any person has an average of over 250 relational contacts. Multiply that by the number of people in the group and you receive thousands of potential clients. A referral from someone who knows you, trusts you, and, who knows the quality of your work builds consumer confidence. Our goal is to market member businesses through local media, a group blog, and our website. You have the opportunity to demonstrate your character and integrity as well as your expertise and product array. You come to build another’s business. You bring your optimism, trust, honesty, and opportunities to the table. You show up — you bring leads, you come to give.